Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy

26 Feb

Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas

From the “New York Times” bestselling author of “Amazing Grace” comes a groundbreaking biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of the greatest heroes of the 20th century, a man who stood up to Hitler and the monstrous evil that was Nazism. As a double-agent, he joined the plot to assassinate the Fuhrer, and was hanged in Flossenberg concentration camp.

4.5 Stars

I was surprised to find out that not many people had heard of Bonhoeffer before. I had known his name from a radio drama series put out by Focus on the Family, but had not realized just how involved he was in the resistance against the Nazis.

The Good:

As with Amazing Grace, Metaxas details the life of a radical Christian. His writing is engaging and really pulls you into Bonhoeffer’s life. I don’t read a lot of biographies, so the fact that this long book held my attention says a lot. Metaxas doesn’t shy away from addressing theological issues that arise and giving Bonhoeffer’s reasoning behind his actions as a double agent and during the assassination attempt. God’s hand can be seen throughout Bonhoeffer’s life, directing it where He wanted it to go. Bonhoeffer is a hero of the Christian faith and this book is definitely worth reading.

The Not so Good:

As I said before, I don’t read a lot of biographies, so I found some of the more technical chapters hard to get through. However, it was worth the effort.

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Posted by on February 26, 2012 in 4 Stars, Reviews


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